No Hazing
While most fraternities claim not to haze, Alpha Gamma Rho has taken it one step further – in 1991 we eliminated the pledging system entirely. That's right; there is NO PLEDGING at AGR, although pledging is a system that most fraternities employ. It involves giving a prospective member an invitation to become a "pledge". As a pledge he is not awarded the same rights as the members because he is actually not yet a member. The pledge has responsibilities during this pledge period, which often, but not always, involves hazing. At the end of the pledge period (usually around 6 – 9 weeks) the members of the fraternity have the right to deny the pledge the opportunity to join.
At AGR, if a prospect is given an invitation to join (a "bid"), it is just that – an invitation to JOIN. There is no pledge period. From the moment a prospect is initiated he is an equal member, guaranteed the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities as every other member. As a new member he is paired up with an older member. This older member (called a "Big Brother") assists the new member (called a "Little Brother") in wherever possible, such as tutoring for class, answering questions about the fraternity, or just helping the new member feel welcome at AGR and at UIdaho. Essentially, each new member will have his own personal advisor to help whenever needed.
By living, studying, and playing together, members of Alpha Gamma Rho create bonds that cannot be explained with words, it is something that must be experienced to appreciate. The bonds that form between the members of AGR are strong, and often create friendships that last a lifetime. The bond begins for our new members during the membership development program and continues on past graduation as alumni.
Here at the University of Idaho, we are honor with being known as gentlemen in the Greek community. We take great pride in this association and take greater strides to treat all we meet with respect that only the Alpha Gamma Fraternity could provide. We give great honor to women who walk into our house with a courtesy that has been lost by others.

Because AGR is a professional-social fraternity for men pursuing an Agriculture or Natural Resources related career, it is often a misleading thought that everyone studies agriculture. True, many members study programs in agriculture such as Animal Science or Agribusiness, but the college, and thus AGR, includes other majors such as Building Construction Management, Packaging, and Fisheries & Wildlife. In fact, AGR stresses diversity in its membership so there are many members in related majors such as Communications, Biology, Environmental Sciences, Education, and Engineering.